Hi There,

I am currently a Senior Developer located in the North East. I received a BSC in Computer Science at Tesside University

About me

My Experience I graduated from university having achieved a first in Computer Science. I have been working as a Developer for over six years in multiple companies ranging from the oil and gas sector to the retail sector.

My Skillset I possess a sharp eye for detail, which I use to find even the smallest errors in text. I work well under pressure and can produce high-quality work in short periods of time. I have strong interpersonal skills and work with a wide variety of people.

My Passions Include challenging and stimulating tasks. I enjoy keeping fit and to do this I go to the gym. I like to both watch and or participate in many activities such as football and cooking. I enjoy researching and implementing healthy food in order for me to live a healthy lifestyle.

Software & System Skills Computing Languages Databases & Methodologies
AeroCommerce PHP Database Systems
Statamic PHP With Laravel MySQL
Wordpress HTML SQL
Visual Studio Code CSS SQL With Oracle
GitHub SASS MongoDb
Bitbucket Javascript Microsoft Access
FileZilla Jquery UML
TablePlus Bootstrap
ActiveCollab XML
Valet(Mac) Node.js
Larvel Forge (Server Management) Angular 2
Adobe XD Angular 4
Slack C#
Microsoft Office Excel .Net
Microsoft Office Word ASP.NET
Netbeans C++
Magento 2 WPF
Navicat For MySQL Silverlight
Zendesk Java
Trello Java Server Pages
Microsoft Team Java Platform Micro Edition
Xampp Python
Jira Lisp
Virtual Box
Visual Studio With Blend
Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Infopath
Microsoft Visio
Linux Kate Editor
Dia Diagram
Adobe Dreamweaver

Contact me

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